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American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists

The official website of American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists.

Many informational and supportive service dedicated to the practice of clinical endocrinology.

Sito ufficiale dell'Associazione Americana di Endocrinologia Clinica,

ricco di...

Jacksonville, FL

Endocrine Abstracts

Endocrine Abstracts exists in print (ISSN 1470-3947) and online (ISSN 1479-6848).

In print it provides conference organizers with an official conference abstract book.

Online it provides a permanent, citable record of abstracts of presentations at key...

Bristol - UK

British Acupuncture Council

The British Acupuncture Council is the UK's main regulatory body for the practice of traditional acupuncture 

by over 2800 professionally qualified acupuncturists. 

British Acupuncture Council, l'ente regolatore per la pratica dell'agopuntura operata da...


STAT - The Society of Teachers of The Alexander Technique

The Alexander Technique has been taught for over one hundred years.

In 1958, STAT was founded in the UK by teachers who were trained personally by FM Alexander.

STAT’s first aim is to ensure the highest standards of teacher training and professional...


General Osteopathic Council

The Osteopaths Act 1993 established the General Osteopathic Council to 'provide for the regulation of the profession of osteopathy.

Nel 1993 si fondò il General Osteopathic Council per regolarizzare la professione e la pratica dell'osteopatia.


Pilates Foundation

The Pilates Foundation is an international organisation for Pilates teachers and training.

Founded in 1996, it brings together qualified Pilates teachers who are passionate about providing the highest standards

of training and practice of Pilates and...



WebMD provides valuable health information, tools for managing your health, and support to those who seek information.

WebMD portale di informazione medico-scientifica, ricco di sezioni dedicate alle aree della medicina e del benessere.  

on line


MedicineNet.com is an online, healthcare media publishing company.

It provides easy-to-read, in-depth, authoritative medical information for consumers via its robust, user-friendly, interactive web site. 

MedicineNet.com, un portale dedicato alla cure,...


National Graves' Disease Foundation

Portale in lingua inglese di informazione sul morbo di Graves. Nelle sezioni, news, gruppi di studio, ricerca medica, casi di malattia, terapie.

Il sito è interamente dedicato al morbo di Graves e mette anche a disposizione un elenco di link...

on line

Royal National Institute of Blind People

Nel sito britannico si possono leggere notizie sul morbo di Basedow.

Thyroid Foundation of Canada

Thyroid Foundation of Canada: la fondazione canadese dedica alcune pagine web alle malattie tiroidee.



National Institutes of Health (NIH)

The National Institutes of Health (NIH), a part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, is the primary Federal agency for conducting and supporting medical research.
NIH Web site
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